Restaurants in Somerset and Exmoor

Why should you trust our recommendations for restaurants in Somerset and Exmoor? Here are some of the reasons.

You’ll find plenty of websites which list the best restaurants in Somerset or feature customer reviews. TripAdvisor is number one for restaurant reviews. But, as travel writers who have written about restaurants across Europe, recommending favourites in travel guides, we treat TripAdvisor with the utmost caution. It is a superb tool for identifying restaurants, but we don’t pay too much attention to its reviews. This is why.

Many sites feature copywritten listings penned by people who haven’t eaten at the restaurants they recommend; some are out and out advertising disguised as personal reviews. There’s a generic style when it comes to these types of reviews and recommendations – there’s a lack of a personal touch i.e. you won’t find something like ‘I had the (enter dish here) and it was sublime (or not – we don’t pull any punches with our views).

We’ve got twenty years experience writing about restaurants and gastronomy. We’re willing to try just about anything a chef offers up (e.g raw horse meat paninis in Parma, Italy, or pigs’ blood rice in Northern Portugal). And we pay our own way. Travel writers enjoy many complimentary meals in the course of their work; it is simply not the same.

This page is so we can share our experiences of the great, the good, and even the mediocre of restaurants in Somerset and Exmoor, pointing readers in the direction of the tastiest of Somerset dining.


The Farmers Arms in Combe Florey

We went to The Farmers Arms in Combe Florey simply because it was the only place open… It was Jack’s birthday so we wanted to go out for lunch to somewhere we had never been before which really should have been an easy mission. Except that it was a Monday, and it was the day before New Year’s Eve. This…

Bailey Irish cream chocolate chip cheesecake
The Royal Oak in Hillcommon

The Royal Oak in Hillcommon serves excellent food and is participating in this year’s Exmoor Food Fest throughout February.

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